Free Business English Lessons

Episode 11: How can a city become a startup hub?

How can a city become startup hub (Business English)

Welcome to the Smart Startup English Podcast!

Our goal is to help startup professionals take their English from intermediate to advanced in just 10 minutes a day. In each episode, we’ll talk about a topic related to the startup world, and we’ll learn some vocabulary that you can use to sound more natural in your day-to-day business interactions in English.

In this episode, we’re teaching a few Business English terms you need to know if you’re interested in talking about what turns a city into a startup hub.

But first, let me ask you this:

Can you guess what city in Southern Europe is the largest startup hub? You’ll find the answer to this question in this week’s episode.

I’ll give you a hint: the city is located in Spain.

The word hub refers to a central point or the center of an activity. In our case, a startup hub is a place that provides ideal conditions for startups.

In this lesson, we’ll teach you 10 Business English terms you need to know to talk about how a city can attract more startups.

A few words we’ll talk about are:

  • to jump ship
  • incubators and accelerators
  • on the flip side

Here’s the episode audio.

To get our episodes for free, you can also subscribe to the Smart Startup English podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud and Spotify.

If you want to keep practicing the words you’ve learned in this lesson, sign up to get access to a free worksheet based on this episode. Doing the exercises in the worksheet will help you transfer the knowledge from your short term memory to your long term memory.

If you want to learn about other European startup hubs, have a look at the episodes below:

In episode 4, we talked about the challenges of the Italian startup scene.

In episode 5, we talked about German startups going global.

And in episode 8, we analyzed the Spanish startup ecosystem.

You can find Smart Startup English on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.

Image credits: Heidi Fin via Unsplash

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