Free Business English Lessons

Episode 7: Do startups need HR departments?


Welcome to the Smart Startup English Podcast!

Our goal is to help startup professionals take their English from intermediate to advanced in just 10 minutes a day. In each episode, we’ll talk about a topic related to the startup world, and we’ll learn some vocabulary that you can use to sound more natural in your day-to-day business interactions in English.

In this episode, we’re talking about a topic that doesn’t get much attention in the startup world: human resources.

Some startup founders even find this topic boring. But the truth is that there is no company without humans, at least not yet, and most startups need someone on board who can find the right people to join the company.

Do you think that having someone in charge of managing human resources is necessary for a startup?

Some founders say yes, others say no.

The jury is still out on this one. When we say the jury is out, that means that there’s no real consensus, and there are people arguing both sides of the case.

On the one hand, startups want to remain agile – they want to be able to move fast, without getting bogged down by policies and procedures. That means they don’t want things to become complicated, complex, or to stop making progress.

On the other hand, startups may face some challenges that could benefit from having an HR professional on the team.

In this lesson, we’ll teach you 10 Business English terms you need to know to talk about the topic of human resources in a startup environment.

A few words we’ll talk about are:

  • bogged down
  • to follow suit
  • D&I

Here’s the episode audio.

To get our episodes for free, you can also subscribe to the Smart Startup English podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud and Spotify.

If you want to keep practicing the words you’ve learned in this lesson, sign up to get access to a free worksheet based on this episode. Doing the exercises in the worksheet will help you transfer the knowledge from your short term memory to your long term memory.

If you want to keep learning, here’s another episode you can listen to:

Episode 1 – Three tips for attracting talent as a startup

You can find Smart Startup English on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook.

Image credits: Hannah Busing via Unsplash

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